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  • Allison_1405
    Allison_1405 Allison_1405_front Allison_1202 Allison_1203 Allison_1310 Allison_1306 Allison_1204 Allison_1169 Allison_4017 Allison_1166


    Blue Brown Shimmer 1310
    Falcon Grey Pearl 1306
    Blush Granite 1405
    Coconut Blush 1166
    Mint Julip Coconut 1169
    Aqua Cheetah 4017
    Leopard Shimmer 1204
    Teal Demi 1202
    Purple Agate 1203
    PRODUCT CODE: N/A  SIZE: A 50 | B 34 | BRIDGE 17 | TEMPLE 135 BRAND: David Spencer Eyewear

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    Premium Packaging

    Each frame includes a protective genuine leather case and microfiber cleaning cloth.